Run: Race Previous Next


2:10 PM

4 mi


8:08 mi


124 lb


36 F

Race Result

29 / 64 (45.3%)
4 / 9 (44.4%)
9 / 32 (28.1%)


I forgot to get the Age Group Size and had to guess. I will email the race director and see if I can get it. Exactly the same day as last year but it was a warmer day which was really nice.

No watch for this race, the battery was low. Had people drafting off me the whole way. Love when you can hear their foot steps, really gets me going. Decided to push to put a little distance between us. You get just 10 feet ahead and it's hard as hell for them to catch you at the end. Had some girl raced by me at the end, couldn't take her, think she had plenty left in the tank.

PITA walkers are not just a CA thing. Screamed, "Left". The three of them didn't move. I plowed right by them and said, "Thanks for moving". The guy screamed a nasty back. Apparently he was not in as big of hurry to get his post race burger and soup.

I got a 2x sweatshirt for door prize, that me and the kids can all wear at the same time. The shirts were misprinted. Instead of "Freeze Your Caboose" it was "Freeze Our Caboose". Was 37F, nobody's caboose was frozen.

I wore my brooks trance without orthotics, first time since April, added a little padding on the arch. Felt really good. Feet our tired tonight, but that's because they gotta get conditioned again. Think, finally going in the right direction with this injury.

32:30 avg. pace 8:18, 9th/32 for female, 29th/64 overall, 4th in AG/? no idea. Last year was 32:03. Mark my words, I'm on a come-back. The PRs are coming.
