Run: Long Previous Next


3:30 PM

10 mi


9:48 mi


124 lb
37 bpm


25 F


8 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


Run felt good at first, but at about 4.9 miles felt very tired. Had to walk up Monks ave. Got to my car and drank some poweraide. This really refreshed me. Should have drank some water too maybe but was afraid to put too much in my stomache at once. Despite drink water all morning felt a little dehydrated, so I probably was not drinking enough the days before

Need to verify time with watch!

Took 1 imodium AD two hours before run, this didn't help much if any, had three pit stops. Pancakes for breakfast are never a good idea. This mid-day runs are tough to plan.

Spent most of the run thinking about shoes. It should not be so hard to buy running shoes. The brooks trance are a heavy shoe, and I'm looking forward to trying these new brooks that are suppose to be similiar, lighter, and more arch support than the trance. I am thinking of buying race shoes, but it sure would make more sense for me to loose 5 pounds then to buy race shoes that will probably only last 100 miles or so.
