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11.2 mi


6:25 mi


160 lb


9 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map

Boston Sci


First serious workout outside in quite a while. Was thinking about looping Cummings park, but after some recon during the w/u, I decided there was a bit too much up and down. Ended up deciding on a parking lot that loops around an empty office building. Had to guess on the recovery distance a bit... ended up being a bit short for the 400's and a bit long for the 200's. Good effort overall.

2.7mi w/u (18:31)

4 x 0.25mi (77, 73, 75, 74) w/ 0.1mi - 200m recovery

0.25mi jog (1:45)

4 x 0.25mi (75, 75, 73, 73) w/ ~0.1mi recovery

~0.25mi jog (1:37)

4 x 0.13mi (37, 36, 38, 39) w/ 0.15mi recovery

~0.2mi jog (1:31)

4 x 0.13mi (36, 37, 37, 36) w/ 0.15mi recovery

3.3mi c/d (22:19)
