Run: Hill Previous Next


6:00 AM

3.7 mi


13:25 mi


147 bpm
171 bpm


33 F


Strides. Warm up. Then 6-8x20 seconds up a moderate hill (walk down recovery). Powerful! Quick strides. Use arms. Cool down with heart rate in zone 1.

No troubles at all with this workout - the hill repeats didn't feel particularly challening, had no trouble keeping my HR low during the warm-up and cool-down. Kept it to 6 hill repeats to take it easy on the IT band.

IT band felt fine - it felt a little pinched down by my knee when I first got up, but it loosened up as I warmed up and didn't bother me at all during the run. Rolled & stretched it post-run and it felt fine all day long.
