Run: The Usual Previous Next


4:00 PM

5.4 mi


7:43 mi


14 C


Legs were itching for a run so I obliged them, keeping it nice and slow today. Absolutely beautiful day for a run. Break officially ends tomorrow!

Felt like I pulled an inner hamstring muscle during stretching, but didn't feel it during run

Moderate ankle pain during miles 1-3, flared up ~20 minutes after end of run, fine since

Knees are gooood

Pace inconsistent; felt like it sped up as I eased into run

A bit dehydrated; didn't drink much from 1:00-4:00

Breakfast strategy is solid, not sure if Clif bars are a good idea though (side note: dorm toilet didn't stand a chance post-run)



Pics or it didn't happen

Drew Lindholm

Happened to have my phone (and keys; roommate was out) while on the run, and took this picture to send to my former coach, Bill Wheeler, back home:

Headstone is in Oakwood Cemetery at today's turnaround point:

42°45'35"N 73°39'57"W

Timestamp on the picture: 2014-11-10 16:25

Check yourself

Before you wreck yourself


The dookie

Drew Lindholm
