Run: Interval Previous Next


11:25 AM

8.9 mi


6:06 mi



9 / 10
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EPIC workout today! Felt amazing during the warmup and decided I was going to go animal on this workout from the get go. There was a crowd of teachers on what appeared to be their lunch break sitting next to the track (like an outdoor BBQ type of thing) so I had lots of spectators today and needed to give them a good show. First mile felt so easy it was like I was jogging and still running 5 min pace. Had to remind myself to not get carried away and pace myself smart. Second interval felt a little tougher but not bad. Third interval was tough but not quite 100%. One thing I did differently this time was cut my recovery shorter than usual. I don't recall ever doing 400m recoveries for mile repeats. It definately made things a little tougher towards the end! After the mile repeats, I did a 4 x 200m fartlek around the track with 200m jog recoveries in between. Wanted to test my speed in a fatigued state and I am pleased with how fast I can still go when tired. First 3 were in the normal range for me so the last one I wanted to blast it. Ran a 28 high or 29 low last 200m which was a great way to cap off the day! All in all, I can't remember feeling this good and effortless for such a hard workout. Don't get me wrong, it got tough towards the end, but never felt overwhelming or like I was redlining. I'd say I am pretty fit right now and should probably get myself in a race soon. I still need to lose a few pounds to get to ideal race weight though but that will come off soon I'm sure. Lets see what the future brings and I really enjoyed the run today!
