Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:15 AM

10 mi


5:56 mi



9 / 10
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AWESOME workout this morning on my classic Gales Creek Loop route. Haven't done this old staple for well over a year! Great to be back on this route. Body felt relatively good. Took the first 2.5 miles easy on the David Hill Rd. segment. I felt great running up the hill, better than usual. Must be a combination of the good supplements and fueling. Ran 3.6 miles @ tempo pace out to Richey and took a short break. Then did 1.4 miles @ tempo pace and stopped at the bridge to do hill reps. Did 4 x 250m hill sprints w/ walk back recovery. Felt HARD, especially the last one I could feel my legs turning into heavy bricks. After the hill reps I took a short recovery break and then did 1.5 miles @ tempo pace to finish the loop on Thatcher Rd. Short walk to Thatcher Park where I did a 2 mile moderate cooldown on the grass field. I am very pleased with today's workout as it was something I haven't done in a while but at the same time was a throw back workout to what I used to do back in '09 & '10. I always enjoy this particular course and workout and today was certainly no exception! The paces I was able to hit on this hilly rolling course were just what I was hoping for. I feel like my fitness is coming along again.
