Run: Easy Previous Next


11 mi


7:05 mi



6 / 10


Easy/Moderate run with Taylor Morgan at the Banks/Vernonia Trail. Cloudy weather but perfect temps. Body felt good today. Did about 11 miles out and back...out to the 9.75 mile marker past the park boundaries. Ran on the soft bark chip trail most of the time. Taylor and I spent most of the run discussing electric vehicles and oil. It was a very enlightening discussion. When we got back to the car I popped open the hood to my car and had Taylor listen to the sound of my radiator which had been 'grinding' on something. Instead we found a dead bird stuck in a fan inside the front of my car! Apparently I had hit it awhile ago and it went under my bumper and into my AC fan blades punching through a plastic shield. Thankfully we managed to get it out before I took off! Weird.
