Run: Easy Previous Next


11:55 AM

10.1 mi


7:41 mi



6 / 10


Beautiful day to run in the forest. Light snow covered the ground and made everything look awesome. Did not impede my footing. Had a great run and felt strong. 5 minutes after my run was another story. I got in my car to drive home and I had the worst episode of calf cramps ever. I was coming down Germantown Rd. heading home and had to emergency pull over and park in somebody's driveway. I was stuck for 55 minutes in my car waiting for the cramps to go away. I drank a lot of water and took some endurolytes. I was scared to start driving again because at anytime I could've cramped up. Thankfully I made it home in one piece. This has reached a boiling point. I have experienced the cramps for the past few months, but only off and on. This past week, it has seemed to double in frequency and intensity, yesterday's being the worst episode. I went home and took some Calcium and Potassium. Still, several hours later, the cramps came back (mostly in my right calf). It has continued to linger even into the next day. Something is seriously wrong and deficient in my body. I am almost certain it is calcium deficiency because I don't eat vey much dairy anymore. I am hopefully going in on monday for a blood test to identify the cause with certainty. This nightmare has got to end.
