Run: Long Previous Next


18.3 mi


6:34 mi



10 / 10


AWESOME, EPIC long run with Chuck Coats on the Banks/Vernonia Trail! Started at Anderson Park in Vernonia and ran most of the entire trail from end to end. Stopped and placed water bottles along the last 15.5 miles of the course at trailheads. Stashed a bottle of Recoverite at the Stub Stewart Trailhead too which was almost exactly half-way through the run. First mile was easy and then we gradually increased the pace pretty good. Trail was absolutely beaufitul to run on. Fall has definately started and it reflected well along the trail. I need to run more on the other half of the trail as it was very scenic and fun. Chuck had to go to the bathroom pretty bad a few miles into the run so he picked up the pace for a few miles so we could hit up a john sooner. Stopped at the john for a few minutes at the Tophill Trailhead crossing. This is when we began to notice a lot of construction going on at the trail. After we started heading up the trail again we discovered that they had created a nice, smooth gravel path into the trail and had FINALLY begun preparing to pave it! What used to be the roughest part of the trail was transformed into a wonderful smooth surface! It looked so cool out there on the new trail segment and I am now very excited and hopeful that it can still be paved by the end of fall! Although the smooth, packed gravel surface was really nice to run on too. Once we got to the Park, the pace seemed to quicken again and is became a very gradual downhill. Chuck was feeling good and let me know it too! My plan was to just hang on for as long as I could. This has been by far the longest long run I have done since April/May. It definately challenged me and I could really feel it the last 2 miles or so coming down the hill from Stub Stewart heading into Manning. At mile 16.5 (1:49:30) I told Chuck to keep going as I stopped and took a last water break at the Manning Trailhead. We were really screaming the last few miles and it took a lot out of me. Chuck pressed on and I ran the last mile 1.75 miles by myself at a slower pace. He is really fit right now and looks to be in great shape for his CIM Marathon training. Good thing I am his coach! Afterwards we headed back to his truck and drank some recoverite. Then it was off to Vernonia again to drop me off at my car. Great day today and the miles seemed to just fly by. It really helps when you have someone to run with for that long AND being able to run such a relatively flat and VERY scenic course. Will be back soon!
