Run: Long Previous Next


12:54 PM

17 mi


6:10 mi



9 / 10


Wow. Had an AWESOME Long Progression run today!!! Helen was nice enough to pace me on the bike as well. Really helped. Especially during the 2nd half of the run. Plan was to do 18, but decided to cut it short a mile because I had to be at work by 4pm. Started at the Banks Trailhead and ran out to the 8.5 mile marker in Stub Stewart and back. First mile was around 7:30 and then just progressively dropped it from there. First half was all over 6 min pace. 2nd half was ALL sub 6 min pace with my fastest mile being my last (5:32)!!! Perfectly executed 'progression run' I might add! I felt incredible out there. Very comfortable and strong. I was hurting the last mile though and pushed it hard to the end. Had Helen hand me a water bottle containing BCAA's & Cytocarb mixed with water. Did not take a gel the entire time. I feel like it worked, however, I don't think I was swallowing enough fluids when I did drink from it. More like sips. Need to drink more next time around. Had perfect weather out there, blue skies & sun, no wind, and cool temperatures. Couldn't have been a better day for a hard effort like that. Glad I didn't do it yesterday in the shit weather we had like I originally planned too. Post run had my recovery cocktail of PW & Cytocarb. Really did the trick. Absolutely no muscle soreness at all!!! Recovery is FAST these days. I am definately getting FIT again! Gotta love it!
