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9:14 AM

10 km


5:45 mi



7 / 10
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Paced Helen for her AMAZING PR today at the Corvallis Fall Festival 10K. Body felt good the whole time. Had to frequently raise my voice to keep the path clear in front of Helen. The race started out crowded with having to deal with the 5K runners and walkers who started 5 minutes earlier. Mile 3 had some nasty wind to deal with which slowed into our time a few seconds for sure (5:49, third mile 'slowest of the whole race'). The rest of the race was relatively pleasant with only a few gusts of wind to deal with. Helen crossed the finish line in the same time as me and broke her PR by almost 2 minutes! It was a great race and she had a lot of friends and family (and her former HS coach) to watch her at her absolute best. What a great day to win her hometown race in such a dominating and exciting way!
