Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:56 AM

4.6 mi


5:43 mi


60 F


9 / 10
  • Map


Failed atttempt at new 10K PR. Rolled through the first mile in 5:26, 2nd in 5:20. Called it off after that as I was behind goal pace by 8 seconds and not feeling the turnover. Mark Boen was pacing on the bike again and suggested I bag it. I continued on at tempo pace for another few miles as Mark rode ahead and got the car. I am a little disapointed as I felt good during the warm-up and thought I might have a chance at a sub 33:00. The GPS was confusing me during the first mile which might have thrown off the pacing. I guess it just wasn't my day. No worries. This marks the end of my summer season, which was still a successful one as I notched 3 PR's in the 3000m (9:15), 5K (15:54), & 10K (33:20). Not bad! I think I will take 2 weeks off and then reevaluate my falls plans. Maybe do the Fall Festival 10K in Corvallis in late Sept., followed by the Run Like Hell Half-Marathon in late Oct. and perhaps finish off with CIM on December 6th. We'll see.
