Run: Fartlek Previous Next


1:40 PM

10 mi


6:31 mi



9 / 10
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Tough ass run today in FG. I pretty much did a progression run with some fartleking mixed in. Body felt pretty good except toward the end I felt like I was outa shape. I know that when I do this run out of shape, its always gonna be a gutsy run and I sure felt it the last couple of miles. But a good effort will equal better fitness in no time. Had some nice (short) stretches of sub 6 min pace. Got a nice break from all of this rain. But sure enough, when I finished, it started raining again. This has probably been the wettest May of all time. Seriously. Still almost feels like late winter....looking forward to blue skies and warm temps again so I can get up on those trails in the TSF.
