Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5:40 PM

10.3 mi


6:51 mi



8 / 10


Helen and I went up to Wildwood for our 2 x 4 mile @ MP workout. Absolutely gorgeous day outside + it was nice and warm! Did the first warm-up mile with Helen. Super slow mile as we were also going uphill. The next 4 miles I cranked out pretty agressively all the way to the turn around point. Felt really strong, especially on the major uphill section that usually kicks my butt. Got to the turn around and used the next mile as a recovery. Final 4 hard miles felt awesome! It felt almost like I was a deer gliding through the forest. The pace was hot and I was destroying the undulating terrain and uphills! Finished strong and waited for Helen. Hiked up the trail a little and had an encounter with an owl! Flew right by me and sat on a tree branch close by and watched me for a bit. Then I saw him fly off and catch a squirrel or chipmunk for dinner! Pretty cool sight. Ran another .25 with Helen on the way back. She was a little late because she accidently took a detour on a different trail then had to back track. Overall awesome day and run!
