Run: Hill Previous Next


10:20 AM

9.6 mi


6:36 mi


7 / 10
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Today's workout was 2.5 mile warm-up in 18 mins. Workout was hill gradient interval pyramids @ 6:15 pace starting with 2 minute intervals beginning at 1.5% and going up to 5.5%. I came back down with 1 minute intervals ending at 0.5%. Next I went back up to 5.5% using 1 minute intervals and finally back down again. For the remaining 1.5 miles after that, I kept the pace at 6:15 pace (Danya's projected Goal marathon pace) but at 0.5-1% incline. Body felt good during the workout but it was tough. I calculated that I did around 30 mins worth of continuous uphill running @ 6:15 pace which is solid. I'm now 10 days out from the race and I think this was the perfect 'last workout that counts' workout. Now I'm looking forward to tapering (just in time for the shitty weather to start up again).

After the treadmill workout, I spent the next hour in the gym lifting shoulders and chest with Kendra, my coworker from THPRD.
