Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:55 AM

9.4 mi


6:32 mi



10 / 10


Hardcore workout with Liana and Taylor out on the Carpenter Creek route. Workout was 6 mile tempo @ 6:05 pace + 6 x 200m hill sprints + 1 mile tempo + 1 mile cooldown. Workout felt the toughest I've done in a long time. But it was very enjoyable was I was able to do with with Taylor and Liana. It was Liana's last really tough workout leading up to the Chicago Marathon.

6 mile tempo splits:

Mile 1: 6:01

Mile 2: 6:09

Mile 3: 6:10

Mile 4: 6:05

Mile 5: 6:00

Mile 6: 5:50

6 x 200m hill sprints

Mile 7: 5:28!!! Last mile was tough. Ran that one on guts.
