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9:00 AM

13.2 mi


7:00 mi



6 / 10
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Paced Helen today during her 15K time trial on the Banks/Vernonia Trail. Body felt good today so I was looking forward to the mileage. Weather was suppose to be rainy but we didn't get a drop of rain on us the whole time. It may have started to rain after we had finished. Conditions were actually absolutely perfect for fast running. Warmed up towards the Tophill Trailhead and was happily suprised to see the new bark chip trail along the newly paved route!!! Looked great and felt really good to run on. We started at the 10 mile marker and went out towards banks. About 2 miles into it we ran by what looked to be a college XC team, possibly Pacific University. Helen ran some great splits all the way through and I paced her the entire way feeling great. Very enjoyable run and great job to Helen for running a new 15K PR of 59:48!!!
