Run: Fartlek Previous Next


12:13 PM

12.6 mi


6:35 mi



10 / 10
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Great workout today! Warmed up with 3 miles up David Hill Rd. and then did 3 x 2 mile @ Half-Marathon pace workout. 800m easy run recovery between intervals 1 & 2, then 1200m easy run recovery in between 2 & 3. Felt very strong throughout the workout. Course was hilly at times (minor hills) but I felt strong enough to push hard up them without detracting too much from the pace. I will note that I drank an additional cup of black tea before the workout which might've helped stave off some fatigue (Thank god for caffeine). Nevertheless, I felt good out there and went after it hard. Got a minor side cramp after the second set so I decided to take an extra .25 recovery for the last interval. Weather was perfect once again for training. Last interval felt hard and I ended up running back an forth on the flat part of B street to avoid the hill into Forest Grove. After the 2 mile intervals I ran another easy mile and did 1 x 800m @ HMP to finish off the workout. The rest was a solid effort back to the car. I am very happy with the workout today. Another bonus was I ended up running most of the ORRC Y2K course. Its nice to be able to live near and train on one of your event's courses. I guess we'll see what happens on race day.
