Run: Fartlek Previous Next


2:30 PM

16 mi


6:31 mi


9 / 10
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Another AMAZING workout in the books. First time doing this new workout I created. Today's workout in it's entirety: 2.5 mile warm up + (continuous Fartlek style Pyramid intervals) 2 min @ 5:00 pace, 4 min @ 5:15 pace, 6 min @ 5:24 pace, 8 min @ 5:33 pace, 10 min @ 5:41 pace, 8 min @ 5:33 pace, 6 min @ 5:22 pace, 4 min @ 5:15 pace, 2 min @ 4:55 pace w/ half the time of the completed interval for recoveries @ 7:53 pace + 1 mile cooldown. Total: 16 mile run.

As you can see with the precision of the paces, this workout was/is performed on the treadmill. (I can't believe I actually did a 16 mile run on a freakin treadmill!!!) Additionally, to more adequately simulate varied outside conditions, I kept the incline of the treadmill @ 0.5 % the entire time. It was never a flat 0%.

I strapped on my headphones and watched a couple football games on the 24 hour fitness TV's while i banged this workout out. Helen was nearby on the bike or lifting during my session. I felt great and well within myself during this workout, however the last two intervals were the hardest. This was by far one of the toughest workouts I've done in a long time. I basically did 50 minutes of fast running in the 4:55-5:41 range, with the vast majority 4/5th's of the time @ 5:33 or faster pace. Definately a solid workout for me and I was very pleased to be able to hit the paces I did and feel great. The time seemed to fly by pretty quick once I got going. I used my garmin watch to keep track of the time intervals and recovery intervals. That made it easy on me instead of relying on the treadmill timer (which I used to record the overall mileage and time). Another great aspect about this workout was I kept my recoveries @ 7:53 pace (7.6 mph) which is faster than I usually do my recoveries during intervals. I noticed that pace feels like a slow jog on the treadmill after you are used to blasting out long intervals in the 5 range. After my workout, I went and sat in the jacuzzi for a few minutes with Helen. Felt sooo good!!! Nice reward to have after a grueling workout! I am glad that I avoided the elements outside and did this indoors. I felt like I got more out of the workout too because I could control the pace and terrain exactly how I wanted it. Without dealing with wind or rain or drastic ups or downs on the course, I was able to go faster than I otherwise would have and get in a great workout. It would be the same if I did the whole run outdoors on a flat track in ideal temperatures with no wind. But there is no way in hell I'm going to do a 16 miler on a track! That's what a treadmill and a TV is for!!!
