Run: Hill Previous Next


11:48 AM

9 mi


8:10 mi


156 bpm
176 bpm



7 / 10
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Nice to be back at the TSF again. Partly cloudy day, warm temperatures. Body felt good. About 1 mile into the run the trail suddenly detoured into a construction area with several guys and hard hats. They are relocating a segment of the trail and creating a new route to bypass a lowpoint that floods/gets really muddy during the winter. I like the new part for that, but then it goes farther than it should and it bypasses a really neat segment I love running down that overlooks the creek. Not sure what to think about this. Will have to see it again when the construction is complete. Further down the trail I ran into an Inmate work crew party. This is the second time I've encountered them in the same area. Climbing the second half of the course felt tough but refreshing. This is when I starting feeling hungry. I regretted not eating more for breakfast. I ran out of my morning protein shake I've been taking to combat the cramping. It has seem to do the job as I am no longer experiencing symptoms. I think Dr. Basinger at Clearwater was right on the money!

Last mile was relaxed and quicker than I expected. But it was slightly downhill as well. Nice to be moving a little faster for a change. Took some recoverite when I got back to the car. Glad I did as I was really hungry. Overall great run and nice to be back on the TSF trails cramp free!
