Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:13 PM

8 mi


6:19 mi



9 / 10
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Nike Campus


Great workout at the Nike track. Thinking about doing a 10K next weekend so I wanted to get a feel for the pace. Warmed up on the bark chip loop and then out to the track. Did 1 stride and some stretches and then got started. Mile splits: (#1)5:30,(#2) 5:22, (#3)5:20, (#4)5:12. First two felt great and then it started feeling like a race. Ran smart and kept the effort at 10K effort. No need to run faster than that and redline. Last mile legs felt a little fatigue in them, probably due to yesterday's 13 miles & earlier today's hilly run with Nicole. Also, only 4 days ago I ran 23 miles so that might've played a factor. Am excited to see what I can do tapered and in a race situation. There is a possibility that with the right course and right conditions, I could PR. I'm feeling good about my training and excited to race again. Its been a while since I've done a tempo like this and I'm glad I did. Only wish there was someone else out there to run with or pace me. Overall great workout in the books and I got a lot accomplished today.
