Bike: Easy Previous Next


12:10 PM

25 mi


18.07 mi / hr



6 / 10
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Had an amazing ride today out on Springhill Rd. to Laurelwood. Went farther out than I ever had before and am glad I did! Body felt really good out there except for my left calf feeling like it was on the verge of cramping....never did though. Scenery was incredible out on Springhill Rd. Definately one of the best places to ride in the area. Passed a large mound in the middle of a field that was interesting to look at and a few small lakes. Turned around just before Laurelwood and headed back the way I came with a small detour down Blue Heron. Was only 12.5 miles out from Newberg! Crazy how far you can go on the bike from your own front door.
