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7:01 AM

12.5 mi


5:35 mi



9 / 10


Body felt like shit. Probably shouldn't have even started the race. Not sure what the deal was, maybe still feeling the effects of the cold or maybe just overtraining. Went out at my target pace and led the race for about 1.5 miles. Started hurting around 2.5 miles and just didn't feel like myself. Was in 2nd place after that for the entire race. Big gap between me and 3rd. Had bad patches and better patches here and there but thought about dropping out several times. Around mile 11 I accidently took the wrong turnaround and got DQ'd from the race. It was very confusing and there were walkers everywhere. Very frusterating. That is why today's distance is 12.5 as opposed to 13.1. Oh well. I actually find myself not caring too much. Not sure where I go from here. Need to see if I am overtrained and plateaued. Will re-evaluate my future training and racing after I get a better idea what happened.

My athlete's Liana took 1st overall for females in 1:21:44!!! & Helen was 3rd in 1:24:58!!!!(huge PR!) Great job to them!
