Run: Easy Previous Next


11:15 AM

9.5 mi


7:23 mi



6 / 10


Decided to explore a new trail today. Went to the Gales Creek Campground off of hwy. 6 and hopped on the Gales Creek Trail. I was very pleased with the first 25 minutes of the trail. It was well drained and followed the side of the river. VERY SCENIC. Unfortunately, I began to encounter washed out parts of the trail. It appeared that raging winter streams & mudslides obliterated big portions of the trail which forced me to stop and slowly cross. Finally, I encountered a major muslide area full of rock that I decided to just turn around. Its too bad because I was enjoying the run up until that point. I got about 9.5 miles in which was sufficient for the day. Not sure I will be coming back to that trail though. I wish it was in better shape...
