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10:28 AM

6.4 mi


6:45 mi



9 / 10
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Hare Field


Did sort of a mini workout today on my 27th birthday. Was pressed for time because mom and dad wanted to take me out to Lunch at The Venetian in downtown Hillsboro. Because of time constraints, I changed the workout to just 3 x (800, 200m) alternating between the 8's and 2's w/ 200-400m recoveries. Warmed up out to the Jackson Woods trail and back and did some strides. Felt a little off for the first few reps then felt a little better on the last set. Part of it might be drinking the green smoothie 2 hours before running. It seems to make me feel bloated for a few hours afterward. Also a little low on carbs due to my change in diet. I definintely need to increase my carb intake during heavy training weeks and before workouts. Still need to figure out how to implement that without unnecessary weight gain. Finished the workout feeling so-so about it. Didn't really get to do much because of bday stuff but oh well. Had a nice lunch with mom and dad and also had a nice dinner with my coworker Amanda Bauer and her fiancee at Mingo's in Beaverton after work. Mom also made me a blueberry-rhubarb pie for dessert when I got home. it was the best pie ever!
