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7:21 AM

11.9 mi


6:13 mi



9 / 10


Paced Liana at the Foot Traffic Flat Half-Marathon. The plan was for Kris to start with Liana and pace her for the first 3 miles of the race with me taking over pacing duties after mile 3. I jogged out to the 3 mile marker and waited for them. The race was delayed due to traffic from participants trying to reach the site. When they finally got here they were behind schedule so I immediately got Liana on pace. It was fun being able to pace Liana. She ran really well out there and even had a couple of splits under 6:00 pace! I dropped out at 12.5 miles and watched her run the rest of the way in by herself. Official time was 1:20:28 (6:08 pace) for a PR by about 1:16!!! She placed 2nd Overall in the race (first place woman was 1:19:40). It was interesting because we found out after the race that the winner ran 2:50 at Eugene this year (Liana ran 2:56:59). So Liana is definately closing the gap on the competition! I ended up talking to Kristin at an aid station (who used to work with me at PRC) and it was nice seeing her again. Saw a lot of people I know there including Toby from work, Mark Boen and his son Ethan (who ran a 5K PR earlier in the day).

Body felt good through most of the run but Not sure if I didn't take enough water as I was really struggling toward the end of my pacing duties. Got in a good workout though!!!
