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8:40 AM

15 km


5:39 mi



9 / 10

Race Result

16 / 2742 (0.6%)
3 / 85 (3.5%)
15 / 1393 (1.1%)
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First spring race of the year! Weather was absolutely HORRENDOUS! Windy and rainy all morning long & during the race. Went with Helen. Met Alan Rozendaal and Ian Nurse and warmed up with them for 2.75 miles. Body felt good despite fighting off a minor cold. Race started on time and it took me 4 seconds to get past the timing mat from the pack. For some reason, my chip did not register at the start of the race, but did at the end. Went through the first mile in 5:34 and relaxed a little more for the second. Once we got to Terwilliger, I became more aggressive and started picking off people. Always had someone around me to follow or race against. Threw in a few surges to drop an adidas guy and Bowerman AC guy on the turn onto Barbur Blvd. Started closing the gap on Alan and another guy and finally caught them just after mile 8. Passed Alan and caught the other guy with about 600m to go. Had a nice kick at the end and was closing fast on the Kenyan woman who finished 1st overall for women but ran out of real-estate. She beat me by two seconds...darn! Felt extremely good and relaxed during the course of the race and felt like I had a lot left in the tank. This is a BIG PR by 3:20!!!!
