Run: Easy Previous Next


4.1 mi


8:04 mi


After class Mariela, Vicki, and I went to a Next Steps meeting for Study Abroad. Much to do but very excited!!!!!! I have been dreaming of studying abroad since I was like 3 years old, no exaggeration. I am psyched. After the meeting I went and changed and went for a lil run before it got too dark. My knee areas hurt but I think maybe my calves are just tight. Saw STEVE runnin by at the very beginning of my run!! What luck! It was getting dark towards the end of my run and I saw a sign that said 'large mouse' and i was like 'what' but it turns out it said 'large house'. Lol.


Adriana Miltko

Let's pretend it said large mouse, those seem cooler.