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7:30 PM

3.7 mi


5:31 mi


164 bpm
200 bpm
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COMMENTS: Felt fresh today, especially after warm-up. Workout was a new one for me 3x(800-600-600), 90sec RI, 4min b/w sets. Was planning on averaging 2:50 for the 800s. Ran comfortably for the 1st set, staying with the 2nd group. Gradually picked up the pace throughout the workout. Got tougher towards the end, but legs felt really good. During the 2nd 800, felt my heart palpitate and short of breath, but disappeared after the 1st lap... probably why the HR shot up to 200.

2:52 (152/171)

2:05 (159/173)

2:01 (162/178)

2:47 (170/200)

2:00 (164/179)

2:01 (168/182)

2:47 (164/181)

2:00 (166/182)

1:59 (170/185)
