Run: Long Previous Next


7:45 AM

22.3 mi


7:35 mi


147 bpm
167 bpm


30 F


5 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


Gorgeous weather today, but definitely on the nippy side this morning. Met up with JB, Chris George, Anthony, and Joe at Cleveland Circle for an out & back on the marathon route. Feeling pretty fresh today, hopeful, but still wary of the bonk. Was going to try to fit in some tempo today, but decided to just chill out and finish the run. Lagged back with Barrett for the beginning of the run as he was feeling some circuit training he had done yesterday. Generally felt comfortable up until the turnaround at Wellesley. Started to feel some fatigue in the legs between Wellesley center and Newton-Wellesley Hospital, but got a second wind going up the Newton Hills. Cruised through cemetery mile, and then tacked on an extra mile with Barrett before heading back to the car. A good confidence building run heading into the taper. May try to do a longish run next weekend with a fast finish.

107 cpm
