Run: Race Previous Next


9:08 AM

5 km


6:10 mi


165 lb
181 bpm
211 bpm


55 F


7 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

1 / 10 (10%)


1st pass at the Cutler Park trail series. Looking forward to this since I know the trails so well here. Primary goal was to get a short tempo run in, and if I was anywhere in the lead towards the end to try and win it.

Started off slightly behind one guy and a woman who looked like she wanted to push the pace. Turns out she was SISU project member. Immediately from the beginning, I felt something off. Thought I was really nervous and my HR was going wacko. Half mile in and I was struggling at what felt like a 6:20 pace. Legs felt heavy... wasn't getting good circulation. I tried not to panic and hoped my heart rhythm would normalize and as we headed away from Gesthemane and towards the T intersection, it finally did. HR was around 200+ but finally went back down to 160s, so I picked it up and cruised by the leaders. Only an older gentleman went with me. He stayed close from about the T intersection out to the turnaround. With about 0.5 mile to go, I was feeling strong and slowly edged up the pace and heard his footsteps fading. Had about 10 sec. cushion by the end. Not the easiest way to win the race, but I'll take it regardless.
