Workout: General Strength Previous Next


12:30 PM

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<No name>


-1 min plank on each side (front-side-side).

-15x/side metronome with big ball, straight into 15x crunches reaching up towards big ball, straight into 115x/side crunches reaching up to my feet with the big ball between.

-10x/side clams, reverse clams, jane fondas.

-60s six-inches/bicycle (alternate during the time period).

-2x60s prone back extensions (2nd rep with green band around ankles)

-60s Russian twist on ground (20lbs).

-10x/side rows from planks (15lbs).

-10x legs straight up, back down.

-7x/side single-leg, straight-leg dead lift (30lbs).

-15x/side hip hikes

-2 x 5 pullups

-2 x 10 pushups

-10x/side lunges with 20lbs weight held overhead (both hands, 10lbs/ hand)

-12x/side explosive lunges with no weight
