Run: Easy Previous Next


6:15 PM

3.4 mi


8:50 mi


Keeping it easy still. Felt super good on my run today. I am trying to make use of all of my running knowledge this time and really get a lot out of this program. So far, so good, I guess. I found a PT that was referred to by aunt Lauren today for the inside of my left leg. I'm not thinking it is compartment syndrome, but just not a bad case of it. I wore compressions sleeves after the run today and they seem to help a lot afterwards; more than the socks at least. Anyways, still feeling reat and hope it'll stay that way. Oh and also, Lauren finally made my mom believe me about how doctors do not know anything when it comes to running. You have to be someone who actually runs or is training is biomechanics, physiology, etc. to understand running injuries. FINALLY.
