Workout: General Strength Previous Next


10:00 AM

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-3x45s (front plank, right side plank, left side plank; movements on third set)

-3x45s Superman w/10 pushups during rest period

-3x15 sit-ups (last set on BOSU ball)

-3x30s weighted russian twist w/30s recovery (last set was weighed russian twist while doing sit-ups without touching the floor)

-5 jacknifes on the big ball


-10-12x glute pull

-10-12x Hip flexor pull

-10-12x gluteus medius pull

-10-12x IT band pull

- Myrtl Routine (Nike)

(General Strength)

- 3x5 pull-ups

- Some exercises from Rupp With Alberto in the Weight Room

- Some exercises from Essential Strength Exercises for Runners
