Run: Easy Previous Next


8:40 AM

6.2 mi


161.2 lb
62 bpm


18 F


2 / 10
3 / 10


GR: 2.75. SLP: 5. RFT: 14. H: 57%(C). Ran to barber shop to find it closed. Very cold day at 18 degrees feeling like 14 degrees. The run was OK, still slow. Ran into a cold headwind on the way back. It caused eyes to tear up making it hard to see very well a lot of the time. Drove home afterwards. I was in Trion and stayed to see college football semi-finals with number 3 Georgia defeating number 2 Oklahoma with Heisman Trophy quarterback Baker Mayfield. Then, number 4 Alabama defeating number 1 Clemson. That puts Georgia against Alabama in the championship game on Jan. 8 in Atlanta.
