Run: walk/run Previous Next


8:00 AM

8.4 mi


12:24 mi


160 lb



5 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map

wdc: fdr


so funny, at the beginning of the run as I hit M Street there was a beautiful shirtless man running up the hill. Thank you gods-of-going-outdoors. I was sorta cuaght glancing back at him as he turned around to go back down the hill. Then to bookend things right before I turned from K Street to the canal I saw a truch driver's bum. Not a bad bum, an average bum. But the first guy was one of the world's beauties and the truck driver was average so it was a bit like a penance. Catholics will understand this.

Otherwise it was good to see the MLK memorial. He does indeed look stern and he's looking right at Jefferson. So thanks for the enlightenment thinking but no thanks for the slaveholding and raping.

Otherwise, this thing made me happy. Really happy.
