Bike: Hill Previous Next


6:00 AM

56.4 km


26.4 km / hr


78 kg
155 bpm
183 bpm



Haven't been able to get out of bed early all week - feeling super burnt and in need of a holiday. But today being Friday, the light at the end of a hard week has arrived, and managed to wake early and force myself out the door.

Dropped my work gear at the office and continued out to Hanazono to hit up the Goshiki loop (the MAN'S way!). Leg's just wouldn't fire up, and felt like dead weights the entire way, yet managed to keep pushing a low gear/high cadence.

Finally some sun came out and the view was pretty special as always - took lots of positives and motivation from that.

A couple of sections near the top the hill just jumps up another level for short intense periods - struggled to stand and handle these on my 25 cog. Heart racing, legs on fire.

Flew down the other side past Chise, Koigawa, and added some bonus climbing through Annupuri Village, then back past home and into Hirfau for espresso and work.

After all that, feeling good again. This is the identical course as the final day race for Niseko Cycle Week (to be repeated again September 6 this year), and actually wasn't too much slower than my race time last year, so shouldn't feel so bad I guess. Just feeling so empty... Need something to restoke the fire...
