Bike: Long Previous Next


8:00 AM

77.4 km


24.74 km / hr


78 kg
152 bpm
180 bpm



Thought I'd beat the rain - the first 8 minutes were dry at least! Actually turned back and thought to cancel this ride, but turned back around, threw on a rain jacket and went for it, into the unknown, hoping the rain would ease - how wrong I was...

Wanted to give the Nimi-Panorama Line-Goshiki loop a go - first time this year on the toughest ride around these parts (great elevation profile).

Got it done, what else is there to say. The rain didn't stop at all, and was super heavy at times. This shit puts hairs on your chest. I just scored at least 20 TUFF points! Might as well find the positives and work with this shithouse summer weather, almost August, then feels like winter not so far away again....

Took care on the long descents to make it home in one piece. Feet shrivelled, quads burning to the bone. Wet, dirty, smiling...

Time for Bledisloe, curry and beers with mates. LET'S GO's in town for the night!!!
