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8:30 AM

82.4 km


22.5 km / hr


78 kg
126 bpm
177 bpm



NCW Day 1

Snails pace first 30k with all kinds of folks - but as folks dropped off, the pace was on and the route changed/extended to suddenly include a Goshiki loop (the HARD way!). Where'd that decision come from!!? Pace back to slow again, but in a hard way...

Good group of riders to roll with, and some really cool Taiwanese dudes to chat to. One guy just did IM Switzerland last month and still hasn't recovered!

Legs felt good and as the group strung out, I hit the Goshiki Pass first to claim the polker dot jersey!

Waited at the top to regroup with most folks, then just screeeeamin down past Chise, thru Koigawa, Annupuri and finished at the Hilton for a bbq feast and watched the dudes kill themselves on the MTB X-Country. Looked awesome, but tough!

Hoping the weather holds out for tomorrow. Pretty spent though...
