Event: Taisetsuzan Chubetsuko Triathlon in Higashikawa Previous Next


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Taisetsuzan Chubetsuko Triathlon in Higashikawa

8th August, 2010

1.5k / 40k / 10k

Split times below taken from my watch - official splits to be released in the next day or two.

Swim (24:16)

Without doubt the swim was what I was most nervous about. Have had a few decent weeks training in the pool and lake, so I knew I could go the distance no worries, and knew what kind of pace I could probably hold, but it’s been a long time since an open water swim with a couple hundred other pairs of arms and legs thrashing wildly, so my heart was pumping pretty hard before the start!

Started out wide, and made my way into the main pack, surprisingly not too far off the leaders. Swam hard to the first turning buoy at about 250m, then slowed into a comfortable rhythm, and had to stop once for a few seconds to fix my goggles after I sprung a leak.

Another quick pause after the first lap when the goggles filled with water after diving back into the dam. Pretty cool with the crowd making lots of noise!

Kept my head down and focussed on ‘spearing the fish’ like Bevan told me, and actually found myself really enjoying the second lap. Didn’t think I’d find myself enjoying the swim this much!

Picked up my kick and stroke turnover after the final buoy for the last 300m to shore.

Glanced at my watch and felt happy to see a 24 on the screen! Tossed race race cap back to the marshals, bolted up the steps to see Phil just a couple meters ahead, and we went into T1 together (but I beat him out haha!!). A real buzz with the crowd (inc. Yuumi and the family) yelling lots of support!

Breathing hard in T1, but stayed relaxed and everything went smoothly heading out onto the bike.

Bike (1:10:21)

Powered out of T1 like a bull out of a gate. Adrenaline was pumping after the excitement at the swim exit and I suddenly noticed that my legs felt empty. Tried to calm down, and Phil caught me just before the first turn-around the the far end of the course, we rode together for a couple of k’s before I started to pull away from him.

The sun was blazing and really heating up, but kept my head down and tried to push the pace. The course was 3 laps of a route which included a pretty steep climb for 2k. I kept telling myself that the hill was hurting everyone, and used it as motivation to hammer as hard as I could - seemed to work because it was where I felt like I gained the most time on the guys I was chasing, and pulled away from those behind me. Training in the Niseko mountains must’ve paid off!

By the third lap I was ready to get off the bike. Back cramps made me sit up and stretch a few times, but tried to get back lost time by going as fast as I could down the long hill, and managed to hit 70kph for a brief moment! Pretty scary, but fun!

Ate a couple of Hammer gels on the bike, but was tired by the end of the 40k, and a couple of guys passed my in the last few km before T2.

Dismounted smoothly, dodged the two old man officials trying to stop me, waving and screaming something about leaving my helmet on (it was on!!) until I racked my bike, threw on my runners, grabbed another gel and hit the road - legs were like jelly!

Run (43:45)

The heat hit me like a brick as soon as I started running. Felt like I wasn’t moving, but my watch said I was pushing 3:40 k’s! Knew I wouldn’t be able to hold the pace, so backed off to 4:00 - 4:10 pace, which felt ok for the first couple of k’s.

I was hoping to be able to find a reasonable level of comfort, and then pick up the pace again for the final 5k, but it just seemed to get hotter and hotter, and the lap count (3.5 laps) was doing my head in. The time and km markers really seemed to pass very slowly... I was ready for it to be over.

Grabbed lots of water but started getting a stitch so stopped drinking. Soaked myself in cold sponges at each aid station, but never really found the comfort I was looking for.

Still, stayed relatively strong, and just kept the leg turnover as quick as I could. Told myself that I would push all-out for the final lap, but just couldn’t lift my pace (still around 4:10 - 4:15).

In all honestly I was hoping to blow out a sub-40 minute run, and felt a little disappointed to read almost 44 minutes. My watch also calculated the run course at approx. 10.6 km, which may or may not have something to do with the overall run split. But, everyone was in the same boat, so I’m pretty happy overall.

Official overall time (2:20:42)

What a great day! I had a blast, and it was great to share it on the course with Phil and Team Riggs. Having Yuumi and the family there supporting was awesome too, and they were pretty excited every time I saw them especially at the finish!

I feel very satisfied now that this is under my belt, now having a gauge to improve on. Nutrition was good and I never really ran out of gas, or felt sick. The heat was what won the battle today, so all things considered I think it was a good effort.

Definitely need to work on leg speed, and holding a fast pace for longer on the run. Have really not had a huge year training on the bike either, so lots to build on there also. Will keep up with the swimming and hopefully get faster over time, this has always been my real hurdle.

I will have a week of junk food and beers to recover, and then am keen to continue working on my fitness and strength before ACL surgery in the next couple of months.

Looking forward to more races in 2011 and beyond - love this sport!
