Bike: Hill Previous Next


11:00 AM

51.2 km


24.72 km / hr


78 kg
150 bpm
185 bpm



Killer day, so tried to lace up and run again - pain started almost straight away - this is pissing me off.

Jumped on the bike and started climbing up the Panorama Line.

Reached the road closure barrier at the junction, but was still good so jumped off, climbed under the gate, and pedaled up into the alpine with nobody around.

Reached the Pass and really had no interest in dropping over the back to Iwanai, so turned and gunned back downhill. Amazing how close the road comes to some of the lines we've hit on Chise and Nito - if only it was open in winter, the accessibility would be crazy.

Back down to the junction and swumg left up to Goshiki/Iwao Pass. Made it up in no time, freeezing cold and trippy in the tunnel. The climb m¥came to an end by a huge snow wall which was being machined and cleared- gonna be a while yet, lotsa snow.

After that, just screamed down the 14k descent. Maxed out at 64kph. Too sketched to go quicker on only the third ride of the season.

Tired by the time I got back up from the Koigawa valley to home.
