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5.5 mi


9:31 mi

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<No name>


Had an option for to do the 40/30 workout which is like extended hiits. Because my whole ilo thing which I usually expeiance symptoms during hiits, I chose to do the 400s instead. Was a solid workout; I ran with Vasant and Nicholas and Jordan. We hit right around 75 or a little lower. I ate something weird over breathing and it was screwing with me a lot on this workout. I had to go in and go to the bathroom twice but got in 13 400s by the end. My stomach was even worse for the cool down but got better for the stairs which I took abit slow. Overall pretty terrible workout but I got through it. I think I jumped up a group too quick also with ILO Still getting figured out- I’m gunna keep that in mind for the workouts moving forward.
