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I did hard core biking for a solid thirty minuets today, and to get my heart rate up more I cranked up the tention alittle higher than usual. its boring and kind of sucks but I know if I run my tendonitis will only get worse. FYI Im biking for the next two days witch is what steen sugested then after this i will see how mu foot feels. I want to be conservitive and get it figued out before track.

PS I dont have a distance becase Im using my moms old stationary bike from the 90s that has nothing to measure distance. All it has is a wheel, a seat, handle bars, and a knob to ajust the tention. I would prefer to bike outside becase this bike screws up my knee but last time I biked out side(last week) I almost got forstbite on my feet and they where numb for almost an hour after I got home.
