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6.3 mi

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<No name>


1.16 mile warm up, 4xmile with 30 sec rest, 1.16 mile cool down

mile 1: 5:38 min

mile 2: 5:36 min

mile 3: 5:34 min

mile 4: 5:15 min

I was originally going to do a 4 mile tempo but felt under the weather and tired. I switched it up with a 4xmile still on the street with only 30 sec rest. The 30 sec rest is to make sure I do not run faster than tempo pace. However, after mile 3, I felt very tired, halfway through the last rep, I felt worse. I was afraid my last mile would be slowest, I booked it hard and hoped it would be 5:30 min. It was not, I had more in the tank than I thought, this gives me confidence when I am feeling tired at the last part of the race. Great workout.



You coming back for Midnight Madness? I bet I could beat you this year


I'll be on a trip and probably not lol


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