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6.5 mi

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<No name>


3 mile warm up, 2xmile with 3 min rest, 5 min break, 4x200m with 2 min rest (200m jog in between)

mile 1: 5:00.75 (1:13, 2:28, 3:46, 5:00.75)

mile 2: 5:01.37 (1:12, 2:28, 3:48, 5:01.37)

5 min break






This concludes the end of my 17 week running plan. The end workout should of been 2xmile with avg 4:55 min. I didn't finish fast enough. There have been a lot of positives from this workout plan and a few negatives. I discovered my biggest weakness is strength in the middle part of the reps/races. The reasons why I lack strength, I have been skipping multiple runs and leg weight training. I will extend this workout plan to September 23rd. By then, I will complete my weekly runs, strengthen the legs, do some races (5Ks), and have proper shoes. The finishing workout will be 2 mile tempo @ 10:00 min. Going to focus on just miles next week, no workouts.
