Run: Tempo Previous Next


7 mi

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<No name>


1 mile warm up, 5 mile tempo, 1 mile cool down

mile 1: 5:48 min (5:48)

mile 2.5: 14:38 min (8:50 min = est 5:53/mi)

mile 4: 23:28 min (8:50 min = est 5:53/mi)

mile 5: 28:50 min (5:22)

Average Pace: 5:46 min

Because of my low mileage, my goal was to complete the full 5 miles. I figured it would be smart to do it consistently as possible and challenge myself a little on the last mile. I wanted to hit the 4 mile marker at 23 min (5:45/mi) and finish the last hilly mile at 5:30 min (28:30 min finish). That didn't happen, but I'm glad the last mile was tough and fast, I was feeling tired going into it.
