Run: MAF_Test Previous Next


4.1 mi


10:02 mi


New Balance


188 lb
132 bpm
138 bpm


65 F
  • Map

Wells Ave.


MAF PR. Best MAF test of the year. Perfect weather had a lot to do with it. 0.8 mile loops. Drift was high but it looked like at about a 10:30 pace it was flattening out and stabilizing. I definitely felt like I could have kept that pace up for a long time. It felt effortless, and I was hardly breathing. But, I was sweating a bit.

In 10 months, I have come a long way. When I started, I had a hard time just covering this distance without bonking. 10 months ago, when I reached 4 to 5 miles, I ran out of energy. I definitely believe I am much more of a fat burner now. I was a real suger burner back then.

My MAF pace is finally lined up more with my 5k time. The MAF 5k predictive table says that if I run a 23:18 5k, then I should be doing about a 10 minute MAF pace. Last year, I was probably more of a 12 minute MAF pace, while doing approximately the same 5k time. But, the difference this year is that I can do the 5k much more aerobically, and I could probably now carry that over to a 10k now.

1 921 115 122 0.9 (warmup)

2 717 133 131 0.8 (9:07)

3 753 132 135 0.8 (9:52)

4 806 132 134 0.8 (10:08)

5 824 132 132 0.8 (10:30)

6 925 131 115 0.9 (10:30)

5028 129 138 5.0 (10:06)
