April 11, 2017 Run

Publish GPX

Terrain: Asphalt, Concrete, Grass, Trail

Notes: Ran with Alex for our long-planned 5 City, 2 County Run. Weather was perfect: cloudy pretty much the whole way, a little windy and sprinkly on Old McGary Rd., but much preferable to it being hot out there.Saw lots of animals, the most interesting of which was a deer as we headed up the beginning of the incline. Found a completely unlocked gate along the Solano Bikeway that leads to the freeway; probably not safe to use for any practical purpose, but it did allow for an view of the city unfettered by the chain link. Stopped at Safeway to get a couple of those good chocolate peanut butter filled Clif bars for after the run. Also paid a surprise visit to the Ramirez family; Shauna and his grandma were at home, but Luis was out on his run; fortunately, he was coming back on the same route we were going out on, so they gave us water bottles and we met up with him just before we reached Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Got a great photo of the "passing of the torch" from the last champion I've coached to the next. Reached ACHS just before 8pm, with a total run time of about 3:10:00, putting us at an average of 8:47 per mile. Pace felt comfortable the whole way, even on the hill, surprisingly. We were both starving at the end of the run, but feeling good overall and very accomplished. Ms. Doherty picked us up and even let us stop at Olive Garden to pick up some bread sticks, which I got a hankering for when we passed OG during our run. Really great run; everything went just right and made for a great finale to our super long runs before we hone Alex's training in to full track mode.