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3 mi

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<No name>


first, like real run since i pulled my hamstring three and a half weeks ago, it didnt go as well as i hoped. after only about 2 or 2.5 miles my hamstring tightened up. this injury is really pissing me off. Theres nothing that i can do but sit around and ice and stretch. progress has been so slow. and im not saying all of this to get pity or anything, im just complaining cause im so frustrated and i need to vent. I feel like for the past 4 years of running i have been pushing myself so hard just to make top 7 varsity and the senior year comes when all my hard training will pay off and i get hurt two weeks before our first week. its so aggravating, all i can do is think about how great my year could have gone. I really cant take this injury anymore. Its getting to the point to where i just get mad when i see everyone else running, not mad at them or myself just mad at this dumb little injury that is keeping me out. I keep getting told to stay positive, but there is nothing positive about this. I know that people keep saying there is still hope for me to run this season, but i feel by the time that that comes ,where i have got the injury gone enough to where i can train fully and i get back in shape, it will be too late. The only thing i can look forward to is getting healthy so i can put all this anger towards my training. This just sucks, thats all i can say
